Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Remember when...

Ok, so today for whatever reason, I was remembering my school days. I remember this great trip to the art museum we took in elementary school. I thought that it was the greatest place ever... it was so clean and organized and what really stands out in my memory is the smell of the food cooking in the cafeteria area! I know, funny thing to remember but that is what stands out for me. So, I kept thinking about how lucky those people were to get to eat that wonderful smelling food (I think my stomach was empty at the time :) but anyway... As I was working away at my wonderfully repetitive job, I was remembering that smell, I don't know why.

I think it is really funny, for me anyway, that the thing that I remember the most about jr high and high school is the food, lol... I think I must have spent like 3 bucks or more a day and you know what, now that I think back on it, my parents must have been so stressed just with paying for my lunches :) Anyhow, now that I make my own money I can't even imagine spending that much a day for lunch ;) I have to thank my parents for giving me a very worry free time in that period of my life... Ok, so this post maybe doesn't make the best sense but I smiled alot today thinking back on the sometimes easier times, although alot of high school was not the best for me, lol, Hope someone reads this and can smile about their past school days as well..

Friday, September 24, 2010

woo and hoo!!!

Okay, so today was just another average day... that is until I got home and found... My signed copy of Among the Ghosts by author Amber Benson!!! I have to tell you, that made my freakin' year!!! Anyhoo, I really want to meet this talented woman some day, scratch that, I will meet this talented woman some day! Isn't it amazing how the littlest thing can change your entire attitude. Sorry that this post is so short and doesn't have a whole lotta' point, just wanted to share my happiness :) Hope to write more real soon....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Feeling good and tired :)

Well, sorry to my 1 follower that I haven't posted in a while, lol... I have finally gotten back to work and been busy but that's no excuse. Working dayshift sure is tiring :) I am used to second shift or no shift at all, lol... Yeah, so, this past weekend we drove over 600 miles one way to go to a family funeral and I still haven't caught up on my sleep, maybe I will over this 3 day weekend!!! So, someone just told me to jump into whatever floats my boat, so I have decided to try to sell some of my woodburnings... My mother has recently gotten into candle making (and is loving it, by the way) and my girlfriend makes jewelry and now I think I am going to start trying to sell my "art" along with their creations!!! I am actually getting excited about all this, and along with the writing, yes, it's coming along, I am going to be one busy girl! So, when I get a website and all that jazz, I will be posting it here and maybe we can get some hits!!! Anyhoo, life is just crazy right now, course, it always is around our house :) Wish me luck and hopefully soon you will see many new creations on our site!!! Laters Peeps, :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

No title...

Well, I have been thinking alot lately about life in general. I do that from time to time... think :) Anyhoo, I think I tend to over analyze so many things. I think every decision through over and over until I talk myself out of doing so many things. When did I reach this point in my life where I have forgotten to live?? You know, survivors (of any kind, cancer, ship wrecks, whatever..) often talk about the things they thought about while they were going through whatever crisis it was they went through. I had a close call when I was younger, we won't go into that, but somewhere between then and now I seem to have lost perspective. Somewhere in that expanse of time I forgot what it was that I wanted to do here in this life. I have found a great love that fulfills me. I have alot of material things, probably not as much as most, but just some nice things. I live in a decent place and my family life is... okay. In spite of all this, I still feel like I am missing something. Does anyone else feel this way? Sometimes I think that maybe there is some sort of work I am supposed to be doing, or just I don't know, I feel like something is amiss... I think that everyone has some sort of purpose in this life. I just wonder what mine is...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Music and me...

So, I have been listening to alot of music lately, the radio shows in the morning, on the way to work suck, suck, suck... so, I have been listening to some of my old cds. As I am driving to work a certain song will come on and I automatically remember some odd thing I was doing while listening to it way back when... you ever do that??? It is so funny how important music is in our lives. When you think about it you can link a song with just about every moment in your life, good or bad. I guess I was thinking of making a soundtrack to my life sort of thing, a cd of songs that I link to all the major events in my life. The funny thing about that is, the cd would be pretty dang short!!! Anyhow, back to my point, am I the only one who thinks this way?? Sorry for such a short, boring post but I am feeling quite tired, maybe that's why this doesn't make the best sense in the world either, lol... sorry...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Am I just talking to myself...

I am still asking the question.... if I have no following, does that mean I am just talking to myself??? I started this blog for one reason, to write, not to necessarily get a million, or one, follower(s). I just wanted to kind of think out loud and if someone were to wander by and take a look, then so be it. I have a twitter account, I guess I did that for the same reason, just to kind of vent, or share a little, seems nobody has meandered by there either, lol.. guess that just means I am a completely boring person :) Oh well, once a dork, always a dork... I wasn't popular in high school either :)

Okay, so I leave this short post with one thought... am I talking to myself and if I am, does that make me crazy???

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Truly, what is up with this... syfy and the great drones movie steal...

Sometimes, I just can't fathom where we are heading as a society... I don't know how many of you know about the movie drones, it was written by two very talented men, Ben Acker and Ben Blacker and it was directed by two equally talented people, Amber Benson and Adam Busch. The movie happens to be low budget but that means nothing when it comes to the entertainment part. All of the parties involved in making the film were very proud to have it shown at the Slamdance film festival and they have been happily promoting the film since it's inception. Now for the upsetting part... The Syfy channel, who gladly ran a trailer for the movie on it's website, has now announced the arrival of a new series on their channel... the problem... it is a complete rip off of the drones movie. This to me is a complete disgrace. I cannot believe that in this day and age, talented people can go out and make a wonderful movie and a big company like Syfy can come in and steal their idea, turn it into a television series and not even ask the original creators permission to do so! How crazy is this? What kind of a message are they sending? I thought that this was a free country and that creative people such as Amber Benson and Adam Busch could go out, do a movie, promote said movie and be happy about it. No, guess I was wrong... what happens in the "real world" is, they shoot the movie, promote it, are happy about it's showing and then get rocked by finding out that someone stole their idea and are about to promote it as their original idea. Well, Amber and Adam, Ben and Ben, we all know who came up with this idea and it was not the Syfy channel. What a crazy world we live in.

This movie is not mine, nor did I have anything to do with it, however, I feel compelled to announce to anyone who will read that I will no longer support a channel and it's affiliates who would promote something as original content when they know full well that it is not original at all. What kind of a company allows a trailer to be played on their site and then turns around and steals the whole concept for themeselves?? If this movie had been on a bigger scale, the people involved would have definitely been informed of this situation and had a say in how things would be handled. If this was a major motion picture the writers would have had a say in the series. It is a shame that an organization such as Syfy has to steal an idea from people just trying to get their ideas and their work out there. I am very diquieted by this news and I just hope to get the word out there. Let's all stand together and fight this injustice....